Saturday, March 7, 2009

New Kid On The Block

HI! I'm Jasper and I just came to IBR. I'm staying with a family in Iowa. Still trying to learn the "to do" list and mom and dad hope I learn the "don't" list first.
They say, I'm a BUNDLE of energy and like running in the fenced in acre in back of the house non stop as a matter of fact. He is enjoying the wet food and deer burger every day which should give him some additional weight given a couple weeks. He is getting along well with our three other dogs in the house and especially outside of the house. Our dogs are beginning to accept him more and more. The occasionally give each other a little growl when he has one of their favorite toys. Jasper has found a small orange kuzball that is a small rubber squeaker with two little rubber legs on the bottom. He simply LOVES that toy which is great since it keeps him entertained for a couple of hours at a time. He literally squeaks it for three hours straight. I think he will really make a family happy once he gets over a few hurdles.

I may be the new kid on the block, but it doesn't take me long to figure out the good life!

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